MO UR4Me’s Letterboxing Guidelines

I am delighted that you want to search for my letterboxes!  Before you read the Clues, please read carefully the following guidelines to help maintain my letterboxes for all to enjoy and for your safety. Thanks!
1. Don’t let children hunt for letterboxes unsupervised. 
2. Watch for poison ivy, snakes, spiders, etc. Always poke into holes and crevices with a stick before you put your hand in – a little critter might be hiding there! It’s also wise to carry water, a first aid kit, and cell phone on hikes.

3. Don’t loudly announce your find!  Boxes can be destoyed by people who don’t understand this secretive hobby. 
4. After retrieving a box, move away from the area to stamp in.  (If there are “muggles” around, you can pretend to take a photo, tie your shoe, have a snack, or use phone until they are gone.)

5.  Leave the area better than you found it:
6.  Don’t disturb nature by: littering, leaving a trail to the box, breaking the sod, removing native vegetation, disturbing natural rock formations, taking apart rock walls or interfering with animals or their habitats. 

7.  A lot of effort is put into placing letterboxes.  Please respect the planter and future finders by resealing all ziploc bags and containers to keep them safe from moisture. Carefully rehide it back in its original location, making sure that it cannot be seen before you leave.
8. Please log your find on AND/OR to notify the planter and future finders that the box has been found recently (and is still there).  If you cannot find it, contact MO UR4Me before logging an “attempted find” just in case the box IS actually there but you weren’t able to locate it.

Letterboxing, like any outdoor sport, carries the risk of unforeseen hazards. MO UR4Me follows the "Letterboxing North America" and “Atlas Quest” policies of not knowingly placing letterboxes in areas that will create undue risk to the letterbox hunter or an unnecessary disturbance to the environment..  However, as conditions may vary and change over time, it is the responsibility of the letterbox searcher to become thoroughly familiar with the conditions in the area to be searched, to adequately prepare for those conditions, and to conduct oneself safely and responsibly with respect to those conditions and with respect to his or her personal abilities and limitations.  Neither "Letterboxing North America", “Atlas Quest” nor MO UR4Me assume any liability for events that may occur related directly or indirectly to one's searching for a letterbox.  By reading and utilizing the letterbox clues posted on this web site, you acknowledge the above conditions, and accept responsibility for your own actions, and agree to hold non-liable the clue writers, website authors, and letterboxing organizations and further, agree to provide this disclaimer to any person with whom you share these letterbox clues.

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Guidelines Printable Flyer Gateway Letterboxers Atlas Quest LBNA Funny Slideshow

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