Slideshow Samples

A slideshow is a great way to "push" images to your viewers without requiring them to click on anything. There are number of free slideshows available for installation, or you can purchase something more fancy.


Ultimate Fade-in Slideshow

This slideshow is very popular as it minimizes space and pushes any number of images to the user.

Click a link below to view other [larger] samples of this same slideshow:


Double slideshow as part of banner: Each image is a graphic which contains a quote.


Graphic Quote slides: Each image is a graphic which contains a quote.

Sample of static Logo on top: uses a slideshow where the logo is static on top of each image, creating the feeling that the background is changing behind the logo.


Slides on one small section: A slidesshow is used on the sidebar to highlight various services.

slideshow sample

Simple version
of fading slideshow


Flash Gallery with Sliding Focus

Example 1: This is actually a photo gallery with a sliding focus. that has been configured to switch photos automatically, but the user can also click on another one to advance the frame. This gallery can only contain a max of 15 images unless you purchase a license. It's pretty cool looking and is SUPPOSED to work on iOS devices by reverting to Javascript and JQuery, but it doesn't always work as advertised.




This is actually a flipping slideshow on top of a custom scrapbook-looking graphic, designed by IntegriTivity. Each slide must be the same size. In this case, they all have white backgrounds in order to make the image sizes consistent. This flipping slideshow could also be used without the background scrapbook graphic, so each image would simple turn like a page.

