Do I need an SSL certificate for my website?


An SSL certificate has specific advantages.

  • SSL allows you to accept/encrypt credit card payments on your own page (there are other requirements as well)
  • You can secure any sensitive data that you collect and transmit through online contact forms
  • Browser such as Google’s Chrome will not display a “Not Secure” alert at the top of the screen instead of a green padlock
  • Google may rank your site higher as part of its endeavor to encourage safe data transmission


You don’t NEED an SSL certificate to process payments if you are using another service such as Paypal or Shopify because those providers handle the transaction on their own website. However, users are likely to notice the "unsecure" message or icon in their browser tab and distrust your website. For sure, new websites should start this way because it is easier to launch your website this way from the beginning; it changes the URL you will use for getting any external links to your site.



  • Most shared hosting providers, such as HostGator, Hostmonster and BlueHost, offer a FREE SSL certificate.
  • You can purchase your own SSL certificate for about $50/year but it may require an expensive DEDICATED hosting account to make use of it.
  • There are other ways to get a FREE SSL certificate if you shop around.


If you want to change your existing website to HTTPS.

  • Make sure there is an SSL certificate on your account.
  • Update all the website internal links.
  • Your developer will need to set a redirect for you that will send http visitors to https so your remaining links out there won’t be broken.
  • Update all your EXTERNAL links. This one can be difficult and some are impossible because you have no control over them.  You’ll need to log into any online listings you control and change your URL.
  • Resubmit your "new site address" to search engines.





